IQ tests are used to gauge a person's current and future intellectual capacity. The score represents how you compare to your peer group in: The scores you get on an IQ test show how you perform in comparison to your peer group in language, speed, spatial abilities, memory, math, and reasoning. Standardized IQ tests are given and scored by trained administrators. Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scalesħ. There are some other tests too that measure intelligence such as:ģ. The most recent version of the WAIS test takes about one hour and fifteen minutes to complete and it focuses on two primary areas, i.e. Although it is difficult to determine accurate IQ scores, some reliable tests can help you determine your IQ range. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is considered one of the best IQ tests for ages 16 and above. It is estimated that about 2 percent of the world's population has an IQ score below 69. But many researchers and doctors say that a genius is someone gifted, intelligent, creative, and highly imaginative. There is no one proper way to define a genius.